- scirpy.datasets.maynard2020()#
Return the dataset from [MMR+20] as AnnData object.
21k cells from NSCLC profiled with Smart-seq2, of which 3,500 have TCRs and 1,500 have BCRs. :rtype:
Scirpy example datasets are managed through Pooch.
By default, the dataset will be downloaded into your operating system’s default cache directory (See
for more details). If it has already been downloaded, it will be retrieved from the cache.You can override the default cache dir by setting the
environment variable to a path of your preference.The raw FASTQ files have been obtained from PRJNA591860 and processed using the nf-core RNA-seq pipeline to obtain gene expression and TraCeR/BraCeR to reconstruct receptors.
The processed files have been imported and transformed into an
object using the following script:# --- # jupyter: # jupytext: # cell_metadata_filter: endofcell,-all # formats: py:light,ipynb # notebook_metadata_filter: -kernelspec # text_representation: # extension: .py # format_name: light # format_version: '1.5' # jupytext_version: 1.14.4 # --- # %load_ext autoreload # %autoreload 2 # + from glob import glob from multiprocessing import Pool from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pandas.testing as pdt import scanpy as sc import scipy.sparse as sp from mudata import MuData import scirpy as ir DATASET_DIR = Path("/data/datasets/Maynard_Bivona_2020_NSCLC/") # - # The dataset has been downloaded from ENA and then processed using BraCer, TraCeR and the nf-core RNA-seq pipeline # using `salmon`. # # We previously processed this dataset with STAR + featureCounts, but following up the discussion # on nf-core, featureCounts is not state-of-the art any more for estimating transcript abundances. # We, therefore, switched to the nf-core RNA-seq pipeline and Salmon. with open( "/data/genomes/hg38/annotation/gencode/gencode.v33.primary_assembly.annotation.gtf", ) as gtf: entries = {} for line in gtf: if line.startswith("#"): continue attrs = line.split("\t")[8].strip("\n") attrs = [item.strip().split(" ") for item in attrs.split(";")] attrs = [(x[0], x[1].strip('"')) for x in attrs if len(x) == 2] attrs = dict(attrs) entries[attrs["gene_id"]] = attrs["gene_name"] ensg2symbol = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(entries, orient="index", columns=["symbol"]) # remove PAR_ genes and duplicated symbols (~80) ensg2symbol = ensg2symbol.loc[~ensg2symbol.index.str.contains("PAR_"), :] ensg2symbol = ensg2symbol.loc[~ensg2symbol.duplicated(), :] ensg2symbol sample_paths = glob(str(DATASET_DIR / "rnaseq_pipeline/salmon/SRR*")) len(sample_paths) def read_salmon(path): """Quant type can be one of "tpm", "count", "count_scaled".""" path = Path(path) df = pd.read_csv(Path(path / "quant.genes.sf"), sep="\t", index_col=0) df = df.join(ensg2symbol, how="inner") res = {} res["sample_id"] = res["var"] = df.reset_index().rename(columns={"index": "ensg"}).loc[:, ["ensg", "symbol"]] res["count"] = sp.csc_matrix(df["NumReads"].values) res["count_scaled"] = sp.csc_matrix(df["NumReads"].values / df["EffectiveLength"].values) res["tpm"] = sp.csc_matrix(df["TPM"].values) return res with Pool(16) as p: res =, sample_paths[:], chunksize=20) # check that gene symbols are the same in all arrays pdt.assert_frame_equal(res[0]["var"], res[-1]["var"]) sample_ids = np.array([x["sample_id"].split("_")[0] for x in res]) count_mat = sp.vstack([x["count"] for x in res]).tocsr() tpm_mat = sp.vstack([x["tpm"] for x in res]).tocsr() count_mat_scaled = sp.vstack([x["count_scaled"] for x in res]).tocsr() # ## Read and sanitize metadata # + endofcell="--" # # + sample_info = pd.read_csv(DATASET_DIR / "scripts/make_h5ad" / "sra_sample_info.csv", low_memory=False) cell_metadata = pd.read_csv( DATASET_DIR / "scripts/make_h5ad" / "cell_metadata.csv", low_memory=False, index_col=0, ) # combine metadata meta = sample_info.merge(cell_metadata, left_on="cell_ID", right_on="cell_id").set_index("Run") # - meta = meta.drop( [ "Assay Type", "AvgSpotLen", "SRA Study", "ReleaseDate", "Bases", "disease", "Biomaterial_provider", "BioProject", "Isolate", "Sample Name", "BioSample", "BioSampleModel", "Bytes", "Center Name", "Consent", "DATASTORE filetype", "DATASTORE provider", "DATASTORE region", "Experiment", "Instrument", "LibraryLayout", "Library Name", "LibrarySelection", "cell_ID", "LibrarySource", "Organism", "Platform", "gender", "SAMPLE_TYPE", "TISSUE", ], axis="columns", ).rename( { "Age": "age", "smokingHx": "smoking_status", "": "stage_at_diagnosis", }, axis="columns", ) meta.tail() # -- meta.rename( columns={ "sample_name": "sample", "histolgy": "condition", "patient_id": "patient", "biopsy_site": "tissue", "primary_or_metastaic": "origin", }, inplace=True, ) meta["condition"] = [{"Adenocarcinoma": "LUAD", "Squamous": "LSCC"}[x] for x in meta["condition"]] meta["tissue"] = ["lymph_node" if x == "LN" else x.lower() for x in meta["tissue"]] meta.loc[meta["origin"].isnull(), ["sample", "patient"]].drop_duplicates() meta["origin"] = [{"Primary": "tumor_primary", "Metastatic": "tumor_metastasis"}.get(x, np.nan) for x in meta["origin"]] meta.loc[:, ["sample", "patient", "tissue", "condition", "origin"]] for col in ["sample", "patient", "tissue", "condition", "origin"]: print(col, meta[col].unique()) # ## build adata object has_tx = set(sample_ids) has_meta = set(meta.index.values) has_all = has_tx & has_meta len(has_tx), len(has_meta), len(has_all) sample_id_mask = np.isin(sample_ids, list(has_all)) adata = sc.AnnData( var=res[0]["var"], X=tpm_mat[sample_id_mask, :], obs=meta.loc[sample_ids[sample_id_mask], :], ) adata.layers["counts"] = count_mat[sample_id_mask, :] adata.layers["counts_length_scaled"] = count_mat_scaled[sample_id_mask, :] adata.var.set_index("symbol", inplace=True) # ## add IR information adata_tcr = / "smartseq2_pipeline/TraCeR") adata_bcr = / "smartseq2_pipeline/BraCeR/filtered_BCR_summary/") adata_airr = ir.pp.merge_airr(adata_tcr, adata_bcr) mdata = MuData({"gex": adata, "airr": adata_airr}) # ## check that all is right mdata_vis = mdata.copy() adata.layers adata_vis = mdata_vis["gex"].copy() sc.pp.log1p(adata_vis) sc.pp.highly_variable_genes(adata_vis, n_top_genes=4000, flavor="cell_ranger") sc.pp.neighbors(adata_vis), color=["sample", "patient", "origin", "CD8A", "CD14"]) mdata_vis.update_obs() _ =, groupby="airr:receptor_subtype", target_col="gex:patient") _ =, groupby="airr:chain_pairing", target_col="gex:patient") # ## save MuData mdata.write_h5mu("maynard2020.h5mu", compression="lzf")